The Power Reading Program: PHASE I
by Jack Studnicky
to my Power Reading Program! In short, this is a consolidation of the BEST OF THE BEST success materials available, created by such notable pioneers as Zig Zigler, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Tommy Hopkins, Napoleon Hill, Stephen Covey… Teaching you how to consolidate and process that new information into a personalized Action Plan that will insure that you absorb and implement these messages into your strategy for success.
In an effort to explain how this process works, you must first realize and understand that you become what you think about.
When you break this down into the simplest terms, you are not, what you think you are; but whatever you think, you are. The information you process in your mind, manifests itself into an ACTION. Those ACTIONS are what defines you as a Human Being.
Please click here for an Outline of the first phase of the Power Reading Program. Although it condenses the information that follows and can be used as an effective reference, we recommend that you read the entirety of the First Phase of the program, to fully understand how it all works!
This is exactly what this program GUARANTEES…
The first emphasis of the Power Reading Program is to establish reading as a habit. The goal is to read, every day, even if it is only for a few minutes. The second is to use that time wisely by reading substantive materials that will improve our lives. We then make a daily accounting of what we read to make sure we establish it in our thoughts. We do this by writing a summary of our daily reading and the message we took from it. Then we make sure we act on these plans, and memorialize the results. By doing these things we are creating a pattern of accountability to ourselves.
Many people read success oriented material, retain little, and implement less. The Power Reading Program introduces steps that insure we are comprehending, retaining and implementing what we read from the conception to the final result!
Here Is Why!!!
Those flashing glimpses of you in a more successful environment are called inspirations. �Many times they are brought about by your dissatisfaction with where you are now. This is called Inspirational Dissatisfaction. You can define this as the negative feedback you receive from your subconscious. This is telling you:
() Things could always be better.
() You could be more inspired.
() You could have greater peace of mind.
() An appreciable abundance of all the good things in life.
To establish the Power Reading Program, let us simplify the process by first reading this short transcript of a speech given by Earl Nightengale called The Strangest Secret. We will then employ the steps of the Power Reading Program to insure we recieved a valuable message, and taken the steps to process that message into an action that will produce a result.
NOTE: The Strangest Secret is a ten or fifteen minute read, so this material should be perfect for familiarizing you with the process of the Power Reading Program.
Upon the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions, who when on the dawn of victory paused to rest, and there resting died
– John Dretschmer
I am sure you realize that As Human Beings, we are Creatures Of Habit…
As such, it is critical to our success that we make as much of our habitual behavior, positive actions. We are all busy people, who find ourselves with little time to read. It is an important key to your success within the POWER READING PROGRAM that you read at least 10 minutes per day, minimum. If you have the time, then certainly read more, but the objective is to make reading as common to your day as brushing your teeth. This is critical in establishing reading as a habit. What must must be emphasized here, is that the very key to your success in this program is that you read every day. I cannot stress this enough. Our goal is to make the action of reading a habit, so avoid skipping Monday and Tuesday, then catch up with 30 minutes on Wednesday. That is operating outside our focus, and will not serve the purpose. It is critical to read every single day. Quantity is irrelevant, it is taking the time out of your schedule to read every day that is the key! Soon, within 2 to 4 weeks, your POWER READING PROGRAM will be exactly that. A personal habit, ingrained as deeply in your daily routine as brushing your teeth and combing your hair.
So now that we have done our ten minutes of reading for today, let us move on to the next step which is our Summary
Write summaries of your daily reading. This should be a relatively detailed exercise (This helps improve retention and increases comprehension).
Click here if you would like an example of what your summary might look like.
Writing these summaries is a daily exercise that is an integral part of your Power Reading Program. Reading is as equally important to your success as writing!
In his book Getting Things Done: The Art Of Stress Free Productivity ($10.50, David Allen, talks about Next Actions. THIS is what is missing from 95% of the population… They have good intentions, but do not take the next ACTION STEP…
So after we have completed our ten minutes of reading, and taken some time to reflect by writing our summary. The third thing we do is create our ACTION STEPS.
The most important part of the process in the Power Reading Program is your ACTION STEPS These should be written on 3X5 cards, and carried with you. This is the implementation of your expanding knowledge. The ACTION STEPS may change on subsequent readings. Do not be alarmed by this. The ability to change your plan based on recognition of new information is an important factor in establishing the ACTION STEPS that will change your life for the better! Adaptability, change, and flexibility, are important components to great success in a competitive environment. Only by taking the conscious Action Steps will you internalize the lessons that develop into your own individual plan.
Always keep the most recent seven 3 X 5 cards with you. Each day, replace the oldest card with the newest one. Throughout the day, review every card and take ACTION on the STEPS that have not been implemented to your satisfaction. Focus on the newest card to make sure you take action on it, but review all the cards each day. Save the cards in a safe place like a kid saving baseball cards. Perhaps in a binder or folder you keep close by. Review all of the cards at the end of each month to remind you of the actions you want to internalize.
The fact is: IT WORKS!
As expressed earlier:
What we focus on, is what happens…
And finally, we memorialize the Result of the
ACTION STEP we created and implemented, on the back of the 3 x 5 card and Report to ourselves on our progress.
This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but the first and most effective way is to write it on the back of the index card so that both the ACTION STEP and the RESULT are memorialized together for quick reference. Whether ot not the RESULT was positive, or negative is irrelevant. If your RESULT was positive, you will want to repeat that ACTION STEP, if the RESULT was negative, then you will want to avoid that ACTION STEP by not making the mistake again (Remember, insanity is defined as repeating the same Action Step over and over again, expecting a new Result.). Having a quick reference to a recorded ACTION STEP and the RESULT will help you to isolate your success from your failure.
You can then reflect on your entire process by making a REPORT to yourself in a spiral notebook that you will keep on-hand as a reference guide. You can then review the specific details of the information you acquired, how it was used, and what you learned from it.
Now that we have learned the ins and outs of how the process of our POWER READING PROGRAM works. Tomorrow we can move on to PHASE II, which will be the Meat And Potatoes of the POWER READING PROGRAM that will have you learning from the Best Of The Best in success materials, retaining the messages that apply to you, and incorporating them into your daily life, creating a PLAN that allows you to achieve your GOALS.
The fact is: IT WORKS!
if you adopt this Power Reading Program for six months, you, and your family will benefit by what you are are going to achieve for generations to come.
- Member of the Institute of Residential Marketing since 1988(MIRM / CMP)
- Spokesperson for the National Association of Home Builders,(NAHB)
- Testified before Congress on housing and condo conversions
- Appeared on national TV as a housing expert
- Speaker and Trainer at numerous national home builderconventions
- Published or written about in many of top newspapers and tradepublications
- Certified REO Specialist who has completed more than fiftyworkouts
- Consults for lenders; lawyers and developers nationally
- On-site marketing director for well-known, internationallyacclaimed firms